Why Tantrums Are Okay + 5 Sour Mood Tips To Save Your Session !

I get it. Kids are their own people. They experience their own emotions on their own timing and no one is going to be able to control when or how a tantrum, crying or a "mood" is going to strike. I don't expect perfect children when I visit your home. They are always learning and trying their hardest and I promise if an ugly or less than perfect moment hits, I will be the last to judge!

Tantrums are okay because...

They're normal. Every healthy kid goes through intense emotions every day! 

5 Sour Mood Tips

Tip # 1
 Have a sense of humor

Let's face it. Babies and kids are funny and adorable, whatever mood they are in! If a tantrum rolls around it will make it a lot easier with a smile on your face. Just trust me, I'm going to photograph beautiful moments for you, no matter what. 

Tip # 2
Give It a Few Minutes

Even adults need down time and so do our little people! Let your kids hang out and relax. If they need a moment of silence or some time to cool down, that's okay! Waiting it out is totally fine, that doesn't mean the magic of the session stops. I keep shooting photos and some of the best shots can come from quiet time. 

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Tip # 3
Eating, Baby

Have a snack or meal ready! Food is colorfully gorgeous! Kids feel playful and comfortable when they can continue their regular routine! If you need to breastfeed, please do so however you feel comfortable. 

Tip # 4
Soothing = Connection

When you comfort your child it creates instant connection between you both. Relationships are photogenic, there's no way you can lose.

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Tip # 5
Let it Flow

I want you to do what is best for your kids. For me, I just let the fit happen and in a few minutes it's done. This is the aftermath of my 22 month old's crying session. It wasn't pretty. Ugly, actually. Hitting, screaming. Then this. Isn't she gorgeous? I love this raw and open moment for her. Plus window light? Oh my gosh.

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If you have a worry that your kids aren't going to be well behaved during a session, please do not fear! I will work the magic for you. There is always beauty to be found. 


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